It has taken less than a year for the American people—Liberals, Conservatives, Democrats, and Republicans; the life-force of our great nation—to become outraged; unable to stomach Obama’s overt attempts to subvert the foundations of American society by constructing an outrageous platform, which is if nothing else, markedly unconstitutional. Throughout the ebb and flow of 2009, I have waded waist-deep through the digital muck, searching for the credible, educated voices of Conservatives in America. They are out there, and their voices are becoming more audible with time. All of Obama’s fumbles in 2009 have sent increasingly nerve wracking shockwaves through his followers; even Liberals don’t like an offense who fumbles the ball; whether it’s by the quarterback, halfback, or receivers. Nine months of turnovers, and the mounting tensions felt by Democrats have been realized.
The momentum I have been anticipating became fact yesterday, the 3rd of November. I put my proverbial ear to the ground in an effort to internalize the quakes caused by Conservatives out east. Here in Colorado the tremors were barely perceivable vibrations, but the Republican victory in New Jersey, the landslide in Virginia, and the race in New York’s 23rd district, will undoubtedly have lasting effects. “Conservatives’ disgust with the status quo has been heard and felt. They have been silent too long. They will be silent no more.” I have been thinking along those lines for some time now. Before the 3rd, only momentary flashes of light broke through the fog confusing the Conservative movement in America.
These victories, which were largely ignored by Liberals—specifically “O-man-child” himself, reportedly playing basketball while results were coming in—will be framed as trivial in the coming days and weeks; however, they are not. Conservatives have a much stronger foundational, ideological lineage in American politics. The opening week of November 2009 marks the beginning of a necessary disruption; an encouraged commotion; the formula for a future force in the political ideology of America.
Remember, remember the beginning of November,
Dawn of Conservative thought,
I can conjure no reason,
How the political season,
Could ever not be got.
The initial political scrap is in the books. Conservatives routed the Democrats in a seemingly fated clash. There are many contests on the horizon, but this first KO is not to be taken lightly by “O and the Jokers.” Conservatives are back, we never went away, and we’re training to go the distance in the title-fight of 2012. It is three years away, but we’ve learned something: the more we bleed in practice, the stronger we’ll be in battle.
Obama’s campaign for president, tailed closely by his inept administration—some assembly required—has constructed a human-pyramid using “hope” for load-bearing supports, “change” as uncured bricks, and “hopey-changey” voters as both structural base and mortar. The binding power of the mortar is weathering nearly as well as Elmer’s paste. The base of the pyramid is weakening due to the top-heaviness natural to the Democrats’ Party. Sleep-voters from the college student demographic are individually being crushed awake by spontaneous moments of clarity; a “voter’s remorse,” if you will.
One year ago, I couldn’t walk more than fifty feet on CUs campus without seeing an Obama t-shirt or hearing someone talking about how much change “they thought” was needed. I haven’t seen a t-shirt for at least a month now, and the Obama-chatter has been drowned out by, “are you guys hiring?” They lost their unified voice while screaming for hope and demanding change. Their screams and demands have been ousted by a much more sobering realization; hope that there is enough change in the couch to buy lunch. The once well-fed student body is quickly losing ideological weight; they’re hungry and a ration of Conservative principles, “and the pursuit” of them, will be heartier than whipped-up words and puffy phrases.
There is no questioning the fact that a resurgence of Conservative principles and thought have already—after only nine months—become powerful ammunition for Americans disenchanted by the direction that America’s leadership is taking. Daniel Webster said, “It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.” Americans are not followers; we are a nation founded in leadership. A crucial step required in the next three years is the establishment of Conservative principles in the educated youth. The door is open more now than ever before. We have the tools and the drive to create the future force of young Conservative Americans. A defensive position historically has the advantage in a battle; obviously however, Democrats have not even been able to dig foxholes in the true Conservative soil which America was built on.
Knight takes King: Checkmate. Who's with me?
Well said sir. Promotion of this type at the college level is important, however, it likely needs to be addressed in civics courses in elementary school.